Management is the efficient control of your jobs. This can include the proper use of Quick Sets, organizing your jobs, determining you settings, printing, and so on.
Learning how to effectively manage your jobs can increase your production, simplify your workflow, and improve the quality of your jobs.
The following topics are related to "Job Management":
Using Quick Sets
The best way to manage your jobs is to create the jobs correctly in the first place. Quick Sets automatically attach pre-selected settings to your jobs. Because Quick Sets are chosen when the job is first created, creating custom Quick Sets to match your workflow is the best way to ensure your jobs are managed automatically and efficiently. See Quick Sets for more information.
Viewing your Jobs
Applying the appropriate view to your jobs can simplify the appearance of the main RIP-Queue window, especially if you have a lot of jobs.
To modify your view, select the printer you want to view from the [Show Jobs For:] option in the main RIP-Queue window. You can select [All Printers ]to show all the jobs, or choose [Selected Printer] to show all jobs associated with the printer you have selected in the active printers area.
To quickly search for a job, use the "Job Finder" that is in next to the [Show Jobs for:] in RIP-Queue. Type in the name or a key word for the job you are looking for. To clear the "Job Finder" and search for a new job, click the [X] mark.
Placing or removing a Hold on a Job
[Holds] are useful tools that control the ability of your jobs to print. See Holds for more information.
To change the [Hold] status of a job, right-click the job, and select [Hold].
Changing the order that Jobs are printed
You can change the order that jobs will be printed by using the buttons to the left of the [Jobs Ready to Print] area. You can also click and drag a job into the order you would like. The buttons to the left of the [Jobs Ready to Print] area can also be used to place a hold on a job, delete a job, or copy a job.
Sending a Job to Job Editor
You can use Job Editor to provide precise image editing, cropping, color correction, and other image modifications.
To send a job to Job Editor, highlight the job, and click the Job Editor icon or click File > Job Editor. You can also select to open a job directly into Job Editor by checking [Open in Job Editor] in the “Open” dialog. While the job is in Job Editor for editing, the job displays as "Busy in RIP-Queue". It cannot be modified in RIP-Queue until it has been submitted from Job Editor.
Reprinting a Job
To reprint a job, select the job in the Buffered Jobs area and drag the job to the Jobs Ready to Print area.
NOTE: If you have made any modifications to the job, you will need to reprocess it. Otherwise, the image can begin printing immediately.
Changing the Job Properties
Job Properties include settings such as media, page size, marks, and so on. See Job Properties for more information on each possible setting.
To change the [Job Properties], click icon or double click / right click a job you want modify.
NOTE: Some changes may require that you reprocess the job. Since reprocessing takes time, setting the properties right the first time will improve your workflow. Use Quick Sets to guarantee that [Job Properties] are set correctly automatically.
Selecting which Tiles are printed
To select which tiles are printed, right-click the job, and select Edit > Tiles. Select the tiles you want to print (the tiles highlighted in blue are the tiles that will be printed). See Tiles for more information.
Changing the Printer Settings for a job.
To change the printer settings for a job, right-click the job, and choose Edit > Printer Settings. Changing the printer settings may affect the color quality of the job.
The options in the "Printer Settings" dialog is dependent on the printer. Click the [ Help ] button in the “Printer Options” dialog to open the Printer Help files associated with that printer, or click Help > Active Printer Help > Your Printer.
Deleting Jobs
To delete a job, highlight the job and right-click it, then select [ Delete]. You may also click the [ Delete( )] button on the left-side of RIP-Queue screen.
Copying a Job to a different printer
To copy a job to a different printer, right-click the job, and select [Copy To...]. Select the printer you want to print the job with, and click [OK].